Taylor, Texas Speed Traps

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HWY 95 NB at the southern border of the City.

Taylor, TexasJan 25, 20110 Comments

NB traffic on Hwy 95 enjoy a 65 mph speed limt until immediately before the City limits where the speed is posted 50 mph. a Few feet further Taylor P.D. sets up radar inside a blind curve. VERY active location!

T.H. Johnson Street from Hwy 95 until past the school

Taylor, TexasSep 07, 20100 Comments

Hwy 95 in Taylor has a speed limit of 45 mph in general and at the intersection of Hwy 95 and T.H. Johnson Street, which has the landmark of the Sirloin Stockade Restaurant Buffet building on the southwest corner of the intersection.
Upon turning from Hwy 95 onto T.H. Johnson one must immediately reduce speed to 30mph and although the street has no residences for about a half mile and is extremely wide, there is normally a Law Enforcement Officer waiting to ticket anyone who is traveling faster than 30 mph in non-school hours and faster than 20 mph during certain periods of the school day.

Mallard Street near east end by High School

Taylor, TexasApr 21, 20062 Comments

When traveling north or south on Texas Highway 95 in Taylor TX. You will come to the school zone. The speed limit drops to 35 from 45. If you turn west onto Mallard Street the school zone drops to 20. I guess Mallard is considered a residential street. The school zone flashing lights are activated from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM as well as morning and evening during school days. I turned onto Mallard from 95 and was immediately clocked at 33 MPH by Taylor’s finest. It cost me 183 dollars.

Hwy 95 Just South of Downtown South side of Railroad overpass.

Taylor, TexasJan 01, 20021 Comments

South edge of downtown area an elevated railroad overpass between downtown and Hwy 95 intersection with Hwy 79. No speed limit sign posted on down side of overpass. Immediate area sparsely built up. About 200 yds past overpass, speed limit sign is posted at 50 mph but officer issues tickets for 35 mph zone (downtown limit).

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