Terrell, Texas Speed Traps
FM 2578 & Hwy 20
FM 2578 is going to have extensive shoulder paving so that the police do not have to sit in the grass as they do now to run your speed. Now, it be much simpler for the State Police to jump on you if you are going 5 miles over the speed limit and not get stuck in the mud. The state must be making a lot of money on this country road, because the police sit near the bridge and near CR 302 and CR 305 all day every day.
I-20 East of 635 Towards Kaufman County
I-20 East of I-635 towards Kaufman County has now installed several ITS Poles equipped with radar vehicle sensing, dome style CCTV’s and closed circuit TV (CCTV) in order for Mesquite, Forney, Terrell, State and County Police to monitor and apprehend all ‘very’ rural patrons. Individuals living within this area cultivate various forms of agricultural benefits for the inner city residence. Trying to remain in the innocence is no longer available in east Texas.
FM 2578 & Hwy 20
FM 2578 & Hwy 20
State Police and County Police have now found a new Speed Trap located FM 2578 & Hwy20 + Rosehill Road (CR 303 & CR 305). Speed limit has changed to 55.
Nice try!!
Rockwall Street
Cop sits in the parking lot of the dentist office at 803 N. Rockwall Street.
Industrial Boulevard
Officer is sitting about 100 yards down Industrial Blvd. parked on the south side under a tree with low hanging branches and is not visible at all hardly to those coming northbound on 34. Speed is 45 through here as many are coming in doing 55 plus. Speed limit is too low here but beware. Beware of marked white cars and the infamous solid black unmarked Dodge Charger.