Texarkana, Texas Speed Traps

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I-30 EB mile marker 219

Texarkana, TexasJul 20, 20101 Comments

cops sit in the construction zone behind the barrels or stand on the shoulder with their radar. the speed limit drops from 70mph to 60 mph at the city limits and stays at 60 all the way to the stateline.

I-30 WB west of richmond road exit

Texarkana, TexasJul 20, 20100 Comments

cops sit in the median under the bridge just over the rise of a hill.

Mall drive just east of University avenue

Texarkana, TexasJul 20, 20100 Comments

officers driving mustangs and pick up trucks sit behind construction barricades or on the shoulder of the road

cooper lane

Texarkana, TexasJul 20, 20100 Comments

cop sits in a driveway at the bottom of a hill and you cant see him until its to late.

loop 151 west of the stateline

Texarkana, TexasJul 20, 20100 Comments

city dot cop sits in the median at the end of the bridge and stops every truck

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