Tool, Texas Speed Traps
Tool Tx.
Hwy.274 65mph drops to 50mph with almost no warning entering Tool
Hwy 274 1 mile south of elementry school
On 274 past Mason Lane (Goes to Don’s Port Marina) about a quarter mile on the right side before the convience store on the left were the county highway dept has piles of rock they will pull in behind rock piles and you can not see them. Once you pass them thier radar has got you.
Arnold Hills Rd at Towering Oaks
They hide out on the corner of Towering Oaks and Arnold Hills Rd and catch speeders on Arnold Hills Rd going faster than 30 mph.
Hwy 274 Either Side of New School
They sit on either end of the school zone daily during active reduced speed times and very easy to not slow completely as you enter zone.
State Highway 274 near FM 85
2 lane road approx. 3 miles long and the cops (only 4 on the force) constently patrols this road. The drive the road from one end to another. Several persons I know received tickets for 58 in a 55.