Tyler, Texas Speed Traps

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FM 2493 near Brookshire Warehouse

Tyler, TexasJun 26, 20041 Comments

As you head north towards the loop and you pass the main gate to Brookshire Warehouse the motorcycle cop will be on your right at the next gate before you get to the loop. the speed limit is 45 and he does not write warnings. They will also look for your seat belt to be on.

Hwy 69 South (Broadway) at Cumberland Rd.

Tyler, TexasJun 04, 20030 Comments

Southbound Hwy 69 from Tyler as you pass thru intersection at Cumberland Rd the Hwy changes from a 5 lane road to an interstate-like 4 lane road but the speed limit remains at 55 MPH for another mile. It is very easy to find oneself exceeding the speed limit within that mile and the city as well as DPS enjoy telling you about your misfortune.

N. Broadway

Tyler, TexasFeb 26, 20030 Comments

As you proceed North on Broadway after crossing Gentry the officer is on a motorcycle to the left just as you pass the park he can pick you up.

State Highway 69 South

Tyler, TexasJul 14, 20020 Comments

Radar car usually sits on the North bound lane going into Tyler on the other side of the hill after the first 55mph. Second car, the one who writes the tickets, is usually where the highway merges into one.

Patriot Drive at West entrace to University of Texas at Tyler

Tyler, TexasFeb 01, 20020 Comments

Between Varsity Drive and University Drive, on Patriot Drive. Speed trap at regular intervals, especially on busy days (day after school holiday, etc.) Posted limit is 35, but safe speed estimated to be 40-45. Short stretch of road with only one connecting street, no businesses/homes, etc.

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