Tyler, Texas Speed Traps
HWY 69 and Loop 323
Just comming into Tyler on HWY 69 from Interstate 20 at the Loop moto cops set on the west side ofthe road and run Lazer to get people.
Been got twicew in the same spot.
Shiloh and Paluxy
A moto cop is often hiding on one of the side roads as you come down the hill on Shiloh going towards Paluxy.
At the y of Robert E Lee and Cambridge
Cop car hides on Robert E Lee where it intersects Cambridge behind the trees and brush. Cars turning from Jeff Davis and cars on Cambridge heading north cannot see him until they make the curve going downhill at Ronnette! He also sits at the south end of Robert E Lee where it joins back to Cambridge!
110 Out of WHTHSE
This road has always been riddled with cops who love to sit three feet in front of the 70mph sign and pull you over because technically it was still 55. BUT it is now only 60mph and I don’t think to many have noticed. Guess that just means whitehouse will be buying yet ANOTHER school lol 🙂
All of Grande
This road is brand new, there are few businesses on it and is very large. WHY is it 45mph? I really try not to speed but the road that was made to cut through traffic being that slow just doesnt make since and the cops love to hide in the woods and downward slopes to make their quota.