Waco, Texas Speed Traps

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Valley Mills Drive

Waco, TexasMar 01, 20040 Comments

Coming over the bridge on Valley Mills Drive (from the Waco Drive direction) sits a Beverly Hills PD car at the old Plant Nursary at the end of the hill. They sit there waiting for vehicles to come over the hill. Just make sure to decrease your speed according to the speed and you should be good. They are just really strict.

Lake Shore Drive

Waco, TexasFeb 07, 20040 Comments

All along lake shore there are cops stationed at random places and at random time. one likes to sit behind the old folks home near 19th street. another one likes to sit in the parking lot for pizza hut. another one likes to park right before it turns into a one lane.

Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard near Waco Drive

Waco, TexasDec 05, 20030 Comments

Waco PD sits under the Waco drive bridge and radars the cars coming down MLK next to the river. the speed limit is 40 mPh, but for people who drive the street everyday, 50 or 60 seems a more reasonable speed.

Valley Mills Drive

Waco, TexasApr 01, 20030 Comments

At late night, when the kids are out street-racing, the Waco PD will pull you over for ANYTHING if you’re on Valley Mills Drive in a desparate attempt to put a stop to the street-racing.

Martin Luther King Blvd./ Lake Brazos Dr.

Waco, TexasJun 06, 20020 Comments

About two miles west of I-35, MLK Blvd. goes under US Hwy. 84. Underneath the bridge to the right is parking lot for an abandoned restaurant. The officer will park under the bridge in the parking lot making it very hard to see him due to the darkness under the bridge

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