Whitehouse, Texas Speed Traps
State Highway 110
Watch out, there are always cops on patrol, espicially on the weekends. I go to the lake every saturday and there are always at least three cops that have someone pulled over. I personally have not been pulled over because I have heard people actually try and avoid Whitehouse so I have to inspect my vehicle and keep my eyes on the speed before I enter that city.
US Highway 110 near Main Street
If you are on your way to the Four Winds Faire coming from Tyler or coming from Troup *BEWARE* of speed traps here! There is a lovely cop that likes to catch out of towners between Old Tyler Highway/CR-2138 as you go downhill heading towards Whitehouse. They like to patrol around the car wash using their lasers to point down HWY110.. Don’t even go ONE MILE over the posted speed limit (whether you see the sign OR go downhill!). This has definitely deterred me from going through Whitehouse or attending ANY other functions in or near Whitehouse.. take that revenue and put it in your pipe.
Acker Tap Road near State Route Hwy 110
Motorcycle cop hides behind a large tree at Acker Tap Road and the intersection of Prince Charles (entrance to Royal Park Subdivision). Motorists leaving the subdivsion cannot see him, though he is less then 20 ft away. Coming up the hill from Hwy 110 toward Bascom Road, he is BETWEEN to very large oak trees; coming from Bascome Road, he cannot been seen. Good spot for a speedtrap.
Willingham Road near FM 346
After you turn off FM 346 onto C. R. 2171 (Willingham Road) and travel several hundred feet, you are still in a 35 mile speed zone. The Problem: After you have gone a few hundred feet, the road becomes downhill. If you do not constantly brake until the road levels out, you will be going over 35 when you get to the bottom. They know this and hide near the foot of the hill in some bushes. You can be only a few miles over and you will get pulled over. The ones of us who live on this road know that more times than not, they are waiting for some poor unsuspecting person, and we make sure we never get up any speed until we get to the foot of the hill. Shortly after that it turns into a 45 mile speed limit. Whitehouse is known as a speed trap and I know more than a few people who will not drive through Whitehouse or spend money here.
State Highway 110 near FM 346
Traffic enforcement is the primary duty of the police dept. and the objective is to generate revenue for the town. Enforcement is continual from city limit to city limit on Hwy. 110. They will cut you no slack unless you are a local. Job performance is based on number of tickets written.