Winfield, Texas Speed Traps

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I-30 Winfield/Titus County

Winfield, TexasSep 18, 20122 Comments

LE in this town are absolutely ridiculous. Pulled over for going over posted limit, despite going with the flow of traffic / no faster than anyone else.

Cop was waiting underneath an overpass on the opposite site of the roadway with a Ka band radar. Didn’t notice the cop until I hit the peak of the hill I was on–up until that point, he was invisible. He turned around, pursued me from afar for a few minutes, and then turned his lights on.

Officer Derp can barely formulate complete sentences, and clearly didn’t get much farther than the 8th grade. Because this city is such a boring sack of crap, a second charger pulls up behind this cop a few minutes later and does nothing.

Immediately after my ticket is issued, he lights up another guy who is passing by.

This town is looking to make money. They don’t give a damn about public safety. Avoid at all costs.

1-30 in winfield

Winfield, TexasJul 21, 20111 Comments

no prior speeding tickets ever in my life, driving 73-70.. boy scout cop sees im from out of state, can barely keep himself still trying to get back to his car to right me a ticket… completely unprofessional the way he acted as well..

Mile marker 155-158 Interstate 30

Winfield, TexasApr 29, 20110 Comments

The police use Stalker Radar and will ticket you in moderate and heavy traffic not insuring that your are the speeder. If you contest this ticket the city attoirney pulls out unethical evidence tactics to prevent a fair trial

1-30 from the 153 mm to the 155 mm

Winfield, TexasMay 06, 20103 Comments

I understand that some small towns work just as hard as big towns, but for you people that left a comment or plan to comment in the future, you must understand what a speed trap actually is. A speed trap is a location where the speed moves from a certain speed down to a slower speed drastically. Now as for Winfield, I really think they are the same as any town from Dallas to Texarkana on I-30. But what you must realize is that the speed on I-30 never changes from Dallas to Texarkana. The speed limit is 70 mph. The only time it changes is at nighttime! It moves to 65 mph. No from daylight to dark time is not a very fast process, you have plenty of time to realize the change. Remember this, the driver of these vehicles that are being stopped choose to speed. The officers do not tell them to speed, they simply pull you over and ask you to please slow down and drive safely. I promise you if you do not speed, have warrants, haul dope, and carry any illegal weapons, you probably will get a warning and be asked to drive safely. Speed traps are commented in every city in every state. Generally the comments are from people who break the law and do not want to be held accountable!! I believe that you should not speed and if you do, don’t complain when you get a ticket or arrested! I myself have recieved a ticket recently, but I chose to speed. Great Job officers! people should be happy that there is someone out here that helps make the roads safer and catch criminals!!

Interstate 30 in Titus county at the winfield exit .8 miles

Winfield, TexasApr 29, 20103 Comments

Winfield has incorporated .8 miles of Interstate 30. The whole process is very disgusting. They might as well put up a toll booth and charge fees, at least that would be honest. They have the video running at all times so be careful what you say. The officers are young and jumpy. The judge and city attorney are in cohoots. You will not get a fair trial. The city attorney, a woman, is on some kind of medication, maybe legal, maybe not. Don’t have a pre-trial conference with her, a waste of time. Be ready for two trips, arraingment and trial. They will make an offer to make the ticket dissappear for about a $100.00. A few calls to MADD, 8 liquor stores in town, pop. 450, might help. Rumor is local residents get beer for teens.

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