Wortham, Texas Speed Traps

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wortham texas hwy 14 n of town

Wortham, TexasFeb 28, 20110 Comments

wortham has illegally annexed several miles of highway north, south and west of town to the co line just to write tickets on.. State law does not allow towns to annex highways or strips of land less than 1000 ft wide. They at one time had a quota system on tickets and even paid reserve officers to write tickets. They were writing about 500 tickets per month to out of town people. They have an unethical J.P. that sits as city judge every tuesday so they can keep the fine money. If you get nabbed ask for a jury trial. We are ashamed of our city.

State Highway 14

Wortham, TexasSep 10, 20091 Comments

Where the limit turns from 55 to 65 at the city limit sign N of town.

State Highway Hwy 14 near FM 27

Wortham, TexasApr 05, 20080 Comments

Wher the limit turns from 55 to 65 at the city limit sign N of town.

State Route Hwy 14 North

Wortham, TexasAug 29, 20050 Comments

Northbound SH14 leaving Wortham. Posted limit is 55 for miles outside of developed area of township. Northbound the road has a slight upward incline blocking line of sight of highway, but not 70/65 speed limit sign. City police sit right at the sign (out of your sight) and wait for you to start early acceleration into the 70mph zone. This is the ONLY place in 100 miles that the speed zones do not go 55-65-70 coming out of town.

State Highway 14 or Main street in town

Wortham, TexasJul 13, 20051 Comments

Small town population less then 500. Received ticket at 10:25 on a Tue night. They had three different radar stations set up at that time. Worthham has moved the city limits out approximately 2-3 miles in both directions catching people entering the speed zone. You enter the speed zone in both areas well before you come close to the city or any form of population. (pastures on both sides of the road) I received my ticket leaving the city limits. I passed both radar traps and did not realize that I was still in the speed zone. The posted limit is 70 mph (65 night) and I was doing 65. You would not think about it being 55 miles outside of the town. I saw the 3rd officer, but did not think that I was speeding. I am not sure what the true definition of a speed trap is, but 3 radar zones in 5 miles in a town with less then 500 people on a Tuesday evening at 10:30 is pretty ridiculous.
The cost of the ticket for 10 mph over was $200 if you want the deferment to keep it off your record.

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