Brattleboro, Vermont Speed Traps

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anywhere within Brattleboro town limits

Brattleboro, VermontDec 14, 20100 Comments

Follow all traffic laws meticulously anywhere in downtown Brattleboro. Cops are the meanest I’ve seen anywhere and will verbally berate you for the smallest infractions. If you have out-of-state plates, be especially vigilant. We were forced to stop a few inches over a crosswalk when the traffic jammed, and the cop acted like we deserved life in prison. Same reaction if you can’t see the unsynchronized traffic light and pull out a second too soon. Beware!

Main Street (all)

Brattleboro, VermontOct 06, 20101 Comments

Every intersection of Main Street is monitored by traffic enforcement cameras. I got a ticket in the mail for going 32 in a 25. Plus my ski rack and leaf peeping driving gave me away. I can’t help it if I’m a flat lander.

Marlboro Road near State Route 9

Brattleboro, VermontJul 14, 20070 Comments

Coming East off of Hogback Mt which is Rt 9/Marlboro Rd. There are numerous speed traps along the road heading into town. On both sides of the road. Up to and sometimes past the 7/11 gas station

Interstate 91 Northbound near Mile Marker 13

Brattleboro, VermontOct 06, 20061 Comments

Driving north on I-91, just after you pass mile marker 13, you will be going up a hill. At the crest of the hill on the right shoulder of the road on the far side of the guard rail, there is a depression in the ground. When state troopers park their cars in this depression, it is absolutely impossible to see them. They use radar. Sometimes two troppers are in the "hole", one using radar, the other one in his car ready to take off after you if the first trooper gets you with the radar. They are there especially on Friday nights just waiting for tourists from MA, CT and NY. They’ll probably let you go at 70mph, but anything over that and they will definitely go after you. Please take heed of this one, because I promise you they will definitely get you. It is impossible to see them. Remember, right after mile marker 13. Good luck.

Interstate 91 Northbound near Exit Number 2

Brattleboro, VermontJan 12, 20060 Comments

This trap is located just as you come around the sweeping curve before exit 2. The officer will be in a U=Turn in the middle of the highway. Be careful because he/she will see you before you see them. They will tell you that it is a dangerous curve, and your speed is too fast.

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