Brattleboro, Vermont Speed Traps

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Putney Road near Bradley Avenue

Brattleboro, VermontSep 18, 20040 Comments

This area is posted at 25 MPH. The cops sit in a parking lot mixed in with the other cars, and get cars headed in both directions. I heard someone was going 30 MPH at four in the morning and still got a ticket.

Interstate 91 near Exit Number 5

Brattleboro, VermontAug 03, 20040 Comments

officer with laser sita atop a hill 2-1/2 miles prior to the officers pulling over the violating vehicles. Vehicles are pulled over into a mini rest area (pull-off). Even if you are not speeding, you can get a ticket. I found out that they are in training (7-29-04), they ticketed me for 74mph. But my cruise control was set to 55mph for the entire time down RT91 south.

Western Avenue near Exit Number 2

Brattleboro, VermontJun 23, 20040 Comments

The area in front of the big white church, about 1 mile west of the interstate. The local cops sit here looking for out of state cars with ski racks. This is a 30 MPH zone, and it seems very slow when you’ve just got off the interstate. The cops sit in plain view by the church, but usually under the cover of darkness.

State Route 30 near Linden Street

Brattleboro, VermontFeb 05, 20040 Comments

As you leave Brattleboro and come around a curve by the Brattleboro Drug Retreat and the road goes straight, the cops had about four cars and half the force waiting in ambush. They pulled over every car in my line of traffic and gave us all tickets. It was Sunday morning about 7:30 am and I believe most of the cars were heading up to ski at Stratton. The cop was clearly enjoying presenting the tickets and was patronizing even though I didn’t say a word and politely handed him my documents. After he gave me the ticket, I calmly told him I hadn’t received a ticket since 1981 and he chuckled, "Now you have two."

Rt. 9

Brattleboro, VermontMar 01, 20021 Comments

Many blind turns. Cop eyeballed me, no way he got me on radar coming around a blind turn on a downhill. I was caught going 66 in a 50. Clean record and all–no help for this NYS driver.

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