Berryville, Virginia Speed Traps
State Highway 340 near Mosby Road
Town Officer stays in his vehicle shooting radar at passing vehicle with a speed limit of 25 on a sharp downhill grade.
US Highway 340 North near Elmington Road
Is a divided highway and at 12:50 am two cops were parked in the crossover for the Elmington Farm and the road named after it. 340 North between downtown Berryville and the WV state line is desolated, very visible and a straight shot, but its only 55 mph! They caught me going 73 (very late night at work, just trying to get home and go to sleep) and not only did they practically fight between themselves who could ticket me, but also harassed me due to tired look saying I was drunk and ASKED WHAT COUNTRY I WAS FROM just because I am a fully assimilated 2nd generation spaniard. They made me do a breathalizer too and I of course got a .000, but they were very visibly dissapointed and satisfied themselves by intimidating me with their flashlight in my face.
State Route 7 west near State Route 621
Sheriff waits at the bottom of the hill in the median cross over for Rt 709. His tail lights look like a car in the left lane because of the curve in the road at that point. You approach him by cresting a small hill and he is on the long down hill slope to the river. If you are going the speed limit, 55, you WILL pick up speed. By the time you have covered the 800 yards to his position you will be over the speed limit. When you cross the Rt 621 sign�start braking so when you crest the hill you are under the speed limit. His radar fan will catch tress and all other types of movement�but�it�s �speed tax� to the Berryville community.
He will also pick up people coming east since it is the same �down hill� condition. This trap has to pay the salary of at least one deputy per year!
State Route 7 near W. Main Street
Police Officer located right below hill out of sight from top of hill, off to right side, traveling into the Town of Berryville, right before posted speed limit drops.
State Highway Route 7 at Route 603
On a two lane divided highway, 3/10ths of a mile from the top of a blind hill. Problable point of intercept is 100 feet from the top of the hill to within 300 feet of the position of the sheriffs car. From the top of the hill the stationary sheriff’s car appears to be stopped in the fast travel lane at the bottom of the hill. Speed limit here is 55 on a road that is normally travelled at higher rates of speed. This is a classic "trap" scenario. The radar unit used is a Kustom Golden Eagle SR (1,800′ range with a 15 degree fan, mounted in the back window of the Deputy’s car. He parks in the turn lane for Route 603. (The Sheriff’s office claims the range is unlimited, indicating either a ploy to put off the requester or lack of knowledge of the units capability)