Bluefield, Virginia Speed Traps
720 past Graham High
This one is deceptive…When headed west past the high school, there is a 35 sign at the fenceline, and another in front of a house. This is not the 35 zone it appears to be during a schoolday. The police sit in a gravel spot between the signs and will stop you, saying you were speeding in a school zone, even though you are past the school…Good luck getting it reduced! They will say you are being cited in the name of safety. You are better off just paying the fine if caught as the between 35 sign argument won’t work.
U.S. 460
There are multiple places between the WV state line and the West Graham exit that the Bluefield Town police, Tazewell County Sheriff’s Department and the Virginia State Police setup radar. In the four mile stretch of highway, there are at least six different locations that are regularly used and they are on the lookout seven days a week.