Buena Vista, Virginia Speed Traps

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Near Enderly Heights Elementary School ( US RT 501 South)

Buena Vista, VirginiaMay 26, 20140 Comments

After you passed the Enderly Heights Elementary School school zone area, traveling south on US Route 501, their is a SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH sign. The 35 MPH speed limit stays the same for approximately 800 feet.
After passing the SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH sign, that section of highway is more a country rural area, and it is one the very edge of the city limits. Also, the highway has a down slope to the next SPEED LIMIT sign (45 MPH speed limit).
From the SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH sign to the SPEED LIMIT 45 MPH sign, there is Approximately 800 feet for a SPEED TRAP with a down slope on the road.
The Police Officer was driving North on US Route 501 at the SPEED TRAP, clocking the driver (heading southbound) at 48 MPH in a rural area of the 35 MPH zone on Memorial Day 2014.
Be Aware of this SPEED TRAP!

A note for those who do not know Buena Vista

Buena Vista, VirginiaApr 17, 20100 Comments

Folks a word of fair warning, Buena Vista is NOT a speed trap. It’s problem is the geography being on the side of Elephant Mountain. There are very few areas in the city where you can see that far or where you can see crossing traffic. Coming through there at a high rate of speed could cause some major wrecks.


Buena Vista, VirginiaMar 13, 20100 Comments

Buena Vista is now 25 MPH everywhere, They have more police cars then the
Rockbridge County which surrounds the city. Don’t think about going to court.
Give the officer any back talk, off to Jail you go, they will always ticket you where
it does not pay to fight it. They city of Buena Vista is the BLACK EYE of Virginia.
BUT they are an equal opportunity SPEED TRAP, black, white, green or yellow, city resident, it makes no difference to them

State Route 60 near Stuartsburg Road

Buena Vista, VirginiaMay 04, 20080 Comments

Following a steep hill, the speed limit drops from 45MPH to 35MPH with the sign being much smaller than the 45MPH just 100 yards previously. The police are waiting just beyond the 35 MPH sign where they are hidden and the momentum of the car going down the hill will require significant breaking to meet the 35MPH limit

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