Centreville, Virginia Speed Traps

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28 South on hill before Braddock

Centreville, VirginiaDec 08, 20130 Comments

When you are headed south on 28 right where the speed limit changes from 55 to 45. There is an officer sitting in the median strip pointed with his lights in your face as you go down the hill. Amazing that this is even legal because he gets you on his radar not even 10 feet after you pass the 45 speed limit sign and midway going down a hill. Real professional. Really makes you feel like your local officers are out to protect you while you’re headed to work. This guy was out around 3:50am. I assume looking for drunk drivers not hard working people.

Route 66 west, mile 49, west of Centreville

Centreville, VirginiaJun 18, 20101 Comments

Trooper on the left side of the road looking for HOV violators. Was there after 6pm standing ready by his car. I’m guessing he could tell who’s speeding also.

New Braddock West Bound Road near US Highway 28

Centreville, VirginiaMay 07, 20080 Comments

If your going Westbound on New Braddock Rd, coming from Union Mill Rd, police sit behind a tree and catch people when they drive up the hill toward Rt 28.

State Highway Route 28 South near State Route 29

Centreville, VirginiaSep 21, 20073 Comments

When heading Route 28 South towards Manassas as you pass under Route 29. They sit back off the road on the right shoulder as you cross under the Route 29 bridge they "hit you." If you are speeding you are a "sitting duck!"

Interstate 66 near 28 Crossing

Centreville, VirginiaAug 16, 20070 Comments

Coming East bound. Once you pass the second exit for Centreville(Route 28), heavily patroled and ticketed all the way till Route 50.

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