Fishersville, Virginia Speed Traps

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Goose Creek Road at Cemetery

Fishersville, VirginiaApr 03, 20130 Comments

The speed limit drops from 45 to 35 mph at Augusta Memorial Cemetery. Augusta County Deputy sits behind an electrical box off the side of the road where the speed limits drops. Frequently pulls cars over at Goose Creek Animal Hospital.

Tinkling Springs Road @ Goose Creek Market-Route 285

Fishersville, VirginiaApr 03, 20131 Comments

Speed limit is 35mph on downward slope. Deputies sit off the side of road near the market. Routinely pull vehicles over going Northbound down the hill. Pull over spot is frequently Tinkling Springs Church.

Route 250 @ Woodrow Wilson Blvd

Fishersville, VirginiaApr 03, 20130 Comments

County Deputies heavily patrol the 45 mph zone near the Rehab Center Complex up to the 7-11.

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