Gloucester, Virginia Speed Traps

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Hickory folk and belroi rd

Gloucester, VirginiaApr 14, 20140 Comments

Road block checking DL’s

Rt 17 Near Coleman Bridge

Gloucester, VirginiaMar 22, 20101 Comments

This entire area is a workzone, and posted at 35 MPH. Periodic patrols by local Sheriffs office are being bolstered by at least two State Troopers on moyorcycles using Lasers. If the sign says 35, it means 35, and that doesn’t change when the workers knock off for the day.

US Highway 17 near Ark Road

Gloucester, VirginiaFeb 15, 20081 Comments

Just North of Ark rd. State and county police often wait for speeders from the cut thru’s. They are obscured by the mounds of dirt in the median

State Route 14 between Rt 17 and the turnoff to Matthews near State Route T.C. Walker Road

Gloucester, VirginiaJan 22, 20080 Comments

When traveling East on Rt. 14 (Just off of Rt 17), once past T.C. Walker Road, as the road heads down the hill, the police unit is off to the side, right where the speed limit drops from 45 mph to 35 mph. The biggest problem is that the radar sees the vehicle and then it is too late. One has an official invitation to traffic court

Belroi Road near Chestnut Fork Road

Gloucester, VirginiaSep 27, 20070 Comments

The speed limit on the adjoining roads are 45 mph but Belroi is 40 mph until after you’ve passed Chestnut Fork Road going towards Hickory Fork. I’ve seen state troopers pull over quite a few people in that zone of Belroi Road.

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