Louisa, Virginia Speed Traps

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Northbound Rt. 522 at Christopher Run Camp Ground

Louisa, VirginiaJun 20, 20170 Comments

Northbound traffic moves downhill for 1/2 mile or more; posted speed limit is 55 mph. Officers sit at the base of the hill, hidden from view on the Southbound shoulder. They’re not visible before you crest the final downhill grade. Take your eyes of the speedometer on the down hill grade and you’ll easily exceed 55 mph. there is NO grace for out of state drivers. I lived in VA for nearly 20 years and never was pulled over. Now that I have Maryland tags, I was ticketed w/out discussion.

Rt15 North of Boswell Tavern

Louisa, VirginiaFeb 01, 20110 Comments

County Police sit at the bottom of valley 2 miles North of Boswell Tavern 3 miles South of Gordensville clocking traffic in both directions. Day and evenings

State Highway Rt. 15 near Exit Number 136

Louisa, VirginiaAug 20, 20080 Comments

Four lane road converts to two lane road past Lowes, 45mph posted several times. Radar enforcement is constant.

Main Street near State Route 22, 208, 33

Louisa, VirginiaJun 12, 20081 Comments

Anyone pulling a trailer from any direction through the Town of Louisa – make sure it is completely legal (inspection, tags, working lights, etc.). There is a "trailer cop" who sits and waits for anyone pulling a trailer. Obey all traffic laws and watch your speed!

US Highway 22 & 33 near State Route 208

Louisa, VirginiaSep 12, 20070 Comments

As you enter the town of Louisa on US 22&33 from the West, the speed limit drops from 35 to 25 with no warning. As you travel East on US 22&33 the signs are not clear where the speed limit goes back up to 35. There seams to be no rhyme or reason as to what time of day this is enforced.

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