Mclean, Virginia Speed Traps

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State Route 123 near Old Dominion Drive

Mclean, VirginiaJun 24, 20060 Comments

Along Route 123, between the entrance to the Dulles Toll Road and Old Dominion Drive, is an area frequented by police cars. Since it is a 35 mph zone that is a divided 4-lane highway, most cars travel at ticketable speeds on this stretch, and cars often do get stopped and ticketed. But there is a police station right at the Lewinsville Road intersection in the middle of this stretch, so obviously there are police cars around often.

Interstate 267 near US Highway 495

Mclean, VirginiaMay 17, 20060 Comments

8 times out of 10 when getting on the Dulles Toll Road (267) just passing the E. Falls Church Metro station, you will see cops waiting at the first emergency vehicle only spot between the medians. They often sit there with guns and if they’re not at the first one when you make the right onto 267 from 66, you’ll see them on the left hand side of the road before the 495 signs.

N. Glebe Road,

Mclean, VirginiaFeb 01, 20020 Comments

About 1 mile before crossing Chain Bridge, speed reduces from 35 to 25. Obviously only to build the County "coffers". Shortly after speed reduction on a turn to the right. Fairfax County Police Officer standing with Laser.

Chain Bridge Road and Chain Bridge Court

Mclean, VirginiaMar 01, 20010 Comments

Team of officers stand on or near Chain Bridge Court, just out of sight from drivers on Chain Bridge Road. Speed is checked by radar (possibly Lidar — don’t know), and unlucky drivers are flagged down by officer on foot. The trap appears on an irregular basis, and is one of several possible AM rush-hour traps on this busy route between Arlington and Tysons Corner. Speed limit is 25 MPH. Typical traffic flow is around 40, so they can take their choice of "offenders."

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