Newsoms, Virginia Speed Traps
Route 671
Speed goes from 55 to 45 to 35, around curves, in less than 3/4 of a mile. Unless you literally slam on your brakes AND psychically predict that the speed limit is about to drop PRIOR to entering the curve, you cannot reach the 35 mph speed. Officers hide and target out-of-state plates. Whatever device they use to supposedly detect your speed misreads because I had my cruise control on so there is no way I was going the speed the officer claimed. I had 2 witnesses in my car confirming that I had my cruise control set! I was driving slower than the car in front of me with VA plates, so I am sure I was targeted. They know darn well that there is a minimum likelihood that an out-of-state resident will fight the ticket. Very upsetting, because I was driving so cautiously because of the rain and I was watching for speed limit signs because I was not familiar with the area. I even set my cruise control each time I saw a speed limit sign to be sure I did not go over the speed limit.
just north of town, State Route 671 west
speed drops from 55-45-35 Bam. turn corner, deputy sheriff sitting in someone’s yard running radar. signs are close together.
this is a short cut between franklin,va, and roanoke rapids, nc, taking about 40 miles off the trip south..route 671.
671 east boundary of Newsoms, Southampton County
Shortcut road from Franklin VA to Roanoke Rapids NC area. Town police sit just after curve on east side of town in ditch, currently 20 hours per week, encountered Friday 2-3 PM.
Speed limit drops from 55 to 45 then to 35, about 0.2 miles between each, then sharp right curve. [Also sign (after 35mph limit) recommends 35 mph for intersection (which is after curve and patrol car)–confusing–why slow to 35 if speed limit is 35, so you would think you are still in 45 mph zone—also, entire area of curve until police car is a pine forest, NOT urbanized–town clerk says VDOT refuses to provide flashing caution light due to low traffic volume.]
Also, radar read at least 5-7mph above my actual speed, and semi driver ticketed after me also stated he was also doing at least 5mph less than radar indicated–truck speed limit is 45 mph for miles.
Are there any radars which read lower than actual speeds? (Any such would be considered defective and re-calibrated, I suppose.)
No question that I was exceeding 35 mph, but the 35 mph sign is old, and I was too relaxed driving under the speed limit, and gradually slowing down for the urbanized area at the intersection, just not fast enough.
Probably the police never “trap” the other (west) end of town, which is a straight, more developed area, less likely a motorist would err, and perhaps harder to hide an unmarked car.
Complaint by town clerk is that trucks used to “fly” through entire area at 55, and they certainly were moving along 671 in the morning, certainly above their 45 posted speed (55 cars/45 trucks).
Town clerk showed that 29% of town’s budget for previous year was obtained from traffic tickets.