Portsmouth, Virginia Speed Traps

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US Highway 164 near Cedar Lane

Portsmouth, VirginiaDec 18, 20030 Comments

The Portsmouth police like to sit in the middle of the highway (either direction) in the vicinity of the cedar lane bridge. Speed limits is 55 but rountinely run 65 or 70.
In the morning be careful.

West Norfolk Road, east of Tyre Neck Road

Portsmouth, VirginiaApr 12, 20020 Comments

This is a main 2-lane thoroughfare through a residential area with no sidewalks or shoulders. Speed limit is 25mph but 40mph is the comfortable norm. A real revenue builder!

I-664 southbound, James River Bridge exit

Portsmouth, VirginiaFeb 01, 20010 Comments

In between the onramp at the bottom of the hill and the main interstate is a depression in the grass. A trooper in this location sits below the level of the road and only his antenna is visible.

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