Prince William, Virginia Speed Traps

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Hoadly Road near Coles Elementary

Prince William, VirginiaNov 29, 20051 Comments

2 Officers will set up at the school and run radar/laser in both directions. I have seen it as early as 5 am and as late as 8pm. Usually on Fridays, but I have seen them on other days. Most of the time they are in marked vehicles or the Camero.

Pageland Road near Artemis Lane

Prince William, VirginiaSep 17, 20050 Comments

Motorcycle police will hide behind trees near the pasture gate opposite Artemis Lane. He will point Lidar at you just as you crest the hill coming from Rt. 29. There is no time to read the terrain before he is on you. Posted speed limit is 45 mph although you are essentially driving through an open field, so it is easy to let your speed creep up to 60 mph or more without realizing it. CAUTION. This is frequently manned and MANY people get tickets here.

Interstate 66

Prince William, VirginiaJun 15, 20041 Comments

state police now use an undercover dark green ford f150 lightning sport pickup truck and fairfax county uses marked and unmarked dark blue chevy camaro z28s to grab HOV offenders. this is in addition to unmarked impalas, crown vics, grand marquis, expeditions, and explorers.

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