Roanoke County, Virginia Speed Traps
Down Sugarloaf Mtn. Rd just past Long Ridge in parking lot
Cruiser parked in parking lot with set back rental units. Using radar as you’re finishing the descent from the top of the mountain before the Oak Grove area. On occasion, at least 1-2 times a month, usually the middle to end of the month.
Route 220, between Roanoke City and Franklin County
Over the past 2 or 3 years it has not been uncommon to see up to 3 different county policemen with cars pulled over for speeding at the same time. Anywhere along this stretch of road. They have at least a dozen good hiding places. Mostly in the section with the 45 MPH limit from Red Hill Church to Clearbrook School but they often cover the rest of this road too.
Old Cave Spring Road – after business hours
County marked car has taken to parking in kitchen cabinet makers parking lot pointed at McVitty Dr. This is just down from the fire hall and Rte. 221 south.
If you come around the curve on Old Cave Spring Rd too fast (25 limit) or run the stop sign on Mcvitty you’re toast.