Sterling, Virginia Speed Traps

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On Church Road, just before Sterling Elementary

Sterling, VirginiaAug 19, 20150 Comments

Not sure what the speed limit is before the school, but you then go into a 25 mph speed limit after a curve. Officer told me the whole Church Road was 25mpm, not sure if that’s true and even though I slowed down inside the school zone, was given a ticket for before the school zone!

Southbound Rte 28 and Ox Road (VA606) cloverleaf

Sterling, VirginiaFeb 02, 20110 Comments

VASP sits in a small paved patch right in the cloverleaf for cars coming onto Rte28 from Westbound Rte606 – clocking traffic moving SOUTHBOUND on Rte28 in the AM rush

Rte 28N Past Waxpool near C&O Overpass

Sterling, VirginiaFeb 02, 20110 Comments

There is a small/short driveway that leads to some sort of municipal utility bunker right under the C&O overpass. The drive is angled 45 degrees relative to Rte28 and hard to see. A State Trouper likes to sit there and pick off NORTHBOUND Rte28 traffic.

Rte 28 just prior to Rte 7

Sterling, VirginiaFeb 02, 20110 Comments

In the LEFT MEDIAN STRIP right where the Jersey wall ends (going NORTH on Rte28 prior to the turn on Rte 7. Evening rush hour.

Same position can catch drivers merging onto Rte 28 SOUTHBOUND from Rte 7 in the AM rush.

Can shoot both ways from there.

Rte 28 Northbound after Nokes Blvd.

Sterling, VirginiaFeb 02, 20110 Comments

LIDAR and RADAR on the RIGHT as you go NORTHBOUND on 28 after Nokes Blvd. Usually at rush hour

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