Sterling, Virginia Speed Traps
West Holly Avenue near N. Aspen Avenue
Cops often sit in the shade under a tree alongside the golf course. The speed limit is 25mph and cars are often going significantly faster than that.
Magnolia Road near Atlantic Boulevard
Come over the hill at the end of Magnolia Road (25MPH limit, residential area, traffic usually going at least 35-40MPH or faster), suddenly in full view of the Sheriff, sitting on the shoulder on the other side of Atlantic (40MPH road). I have seen this done several times, same location, sometimes 2 cars/SUVs.
Forest Ridge Drive near South Filmore to Crestview
Uses side streets and parked vehicles to hide. Looks both for speeding and failure to come to complete stop at stop signs. To avoid, use Maple Ave, which is less frequently enforced and no stop signs.
State Highway 28 near Church Road
The cop car is hidden in an alley and times you when you go past 625 (Church Rd/Waxpool Rd) on 28 Northbound
Countryside Boulevard near Algonkian Parkway
The policemen are in cars and sit near the entrance to the assisted living community right before Rte. 7 or in the middle of the two sides of traffic right before the elementary school. Since it is very difficult to stay at 35mph on Countryside boulevard, it’s easy pickin’s for the cops.