Wirtz, Virginia Speed Traps

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State Rd. 834 (Brookes Mill Rd) @ Dudley Elem. School Zone

Wirtz, VirginiaApr 18, 20020 Comments

State road 834N (Brookes Mill Rd) is a secondary road with no posted speed limits, (max. speed limit 55mph), unless otherwise posted. Driving from Rocky Mt, VA (off of 40E,)turning onto 834N, this unposted road for 7 miles brings you to an "upgrade hill", just before a School Zone. No warnings are posted on either side of the road, or before the hill! Just after you cross over the hill to the right, there is a Pedestrian School Crossing Sign. Now is when you first know that you have just entered into the school zone! It is virtually impossible to decelerate to the 25mph in 3 seconds, police are there with radar…I was "clocked" at 52mph and lost in court to a $105.00 fine. This is a SPEED TRAP of the worst kind because it uses the school system to work it’s ENTRAPMENT. The Judge did not care about the lack of warningns before the hill…just the "speed" at which I was going when I crossed over the hill. So, the "System" gets the money and the school children are the "Prey" all in the name of "Saftey"! I’ve contacted "Officials" about this matter…guess what? Oooooops, their hands are tied! Something smells rotten in Denmark.

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