Wytheville, Virginia Speed Traps

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Interstate I-77 near Interstate Near Wytheville

Wytheville, VirginiaAug 08, 20050 Comments

South bound lanes on I-77 near Wytheville. In a group of six Cars and Suvs the deputy singled out two Florida vehicles to stop, using Radar. He said we were doing 86 mph, but only ticketed us for 75 in a 65 zone. The area he used is coming down on a 5% grade! Unless you use your brakes hard you can’t help but exceed 70-75 mph. Very unfair considering the grade and being singled out because we were from Florida. In addition, the whole group was tightly packed. I don’t think he could even isolated any vehicle, much less ours, which was blocked from the Radar
by the vehicle in front of us.

Interstate 81 near mile marker 57.3, 66.6 66.7 also range of 55-70

Wytheville, VirginiaFeb 14, 20050 Comments

near Wytheville exit mile markers 57.3 66.6 66.7 . have been making regular (2-3 times a month) trips along I-81 through VA to prepare move from Northeast(CT) to South(TN). Speed limit on I81 throughout VA is mainly 65 mph but certain locales use 55 and 60 as a revenue stream ("speed tax") ESPECIALLY for out-of-state drivers… IF you do not pay via mail or court appearance, your driving priviledges are suspended in VA and your name and (VA) driving record appear on NCIC (FBI’s National Crime Information Center) as part of the new "Homeland Security Act" provisions. have personally been alerted by my K40 radar/laser system EVERYTIME i pass through this area regardless of day or time. in addition, radar/laser detection systems are illegal in VA


Wytheville, VirginiaAug 25, 20030 Comments

A total money making scam that includes the judge. Lawyers in the area recomend that you be found guilty so you can appeal to a more competent judge.

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