Yorktown, Virginia Speed Traps

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Route 17 coming off Coleman Bridge in Gloucester Va.

Yorktown, VirginiaOct 07, 20140 Comments

Coming to and from on Coleman Bridge on Route 17. Cops are constantly between the 45 mph to 55 mph signs. They are constantly giving speeding tickets due to the signs being less than 1/2 mile apart. They have highest ticket rate in that area.

Rt. 17 northbound at the York River (Coleman) Bridge

Yorktown, VirginiaMar 16, 20120 Comments

Speed limit drops from 55 to 45 before the bridge. Cruisers sit in the ’emergency vehicle only’ parking area at the foot of the bridge

State Route 17 near Victory Boulevard

Yorktown, VirginiaSep 03, 20080 Comments

Heading north bound on Rt 17, past Wally World. Rt134 merges with Rt 17 just before the hill by the the reservoir. The fuzz likes to hang out near the "Vineyards" office park and in the median. They pick you up increasing speed heading down the hill. When school is in session there is a sneaky motorcycle trooper hiding in the bushes. Speed limit is 45 but it is very tempting to hit 55.

Wrought Iron Boulevard near State Highway Hampton Highway

Yorktown, VirginiaAug 09, 20070 Comments

Cops usually stay staked out there early in the morning when school is back in session or early in the evening when everyone is comming home from work. I have observed a number of cops on the side of the road, behind signs and use the school parking lot for ticketing. When it says 25, it means 25 and not 30, I was going through there doing 27 and a cop almost pulled me over, he switched on his lights and then switched them off. I dont know if they would pull you over for doing 2 miles over the speed limit. I would love to go to court over that and see what the judge said. Probably would of laugh and thrown it out.

State Highway 17

Yorktown, VirginiaJun 16, 20062 Comments

The road going from the Jefferson ave to 17 near the Newport news park is always highly watched. I’ve seen alot of people being pulled over on that road. I don’t remember the name of it. But the speed is slow like 30 or so and it’s hard keeping at that speed since you are going to and from such big roads.

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