Battle Ground, Washington Speed Traps
South Parkway Ave at 4th Street
Police hide in Church driveway. However, virtually all of Battle Ground is a speed trap. Most active motorcycle cops I’ve ever seen. Definetly a huge source of income for the bloated police force of this little town. Cross walk pedestrian stings where a person stands near a crosswalk. If the approaching car fails to stop he is pulled over a few blocks later. This one is absolutely a trap.
Heading east on199th between 20th and 503
The speed limit is 40 But people tend to travel approx. 50 to 55. The cop sits by the substation or once in a while there is a motorcycle cop that sits in an abandon driveway well hidden
NE 147th Ave near 263rd St- North of BG on way to Heisson
Officer sits in drive hidden by trees on straight stretch of curvy road
Main St & NE 10th ave
Motorcycle cop sits on the sidewalk on the Safeway corner
239th street and 72 ave.
popo likes to sit in the pull out for the substation there.