Bellingham, Washington Speed Traps
E. Sunset Drive near Racine Street
M/C officer sits in driveway of apartment building and Lasers cars generally going W. on Sunset. However does work E/B at times. Generally no mercy if 10 over the limit.
E. Sunset Drive near Lindshier Avenue
M/C officer sits in driveway working E/B traffic coming out of town. No mercy if 10 over the posted limit.
Alabama Street near Yew Street
Motorcycle cop hides in shady spots on Alabama Hill.
Sunset Boulevard near Ellis Street
Motorcycle cop sits behind the big bush next to the Greek Orthodox church on Sunset Blvd heading toward Ellis St, catching everyone going to the Hospital only 5 and 6 miles over the speed limit.
Britton Road near North Shore Drive
On Britton Road, between Barkley Drive and North Shore Drive. The posted speed limit is 25 miles an hour for a 400 yard stretch. The normal speed is 35, but somehow, they got a 25 stretch for such a short distance. The motorcycle cops are always giving tickets for 5-6 miles over the posted limit.