Blaine, Washington Speed Traps
Sweet Road near Odell Road
Speed drops from 45 to 25 instantly and the the police sit by substation with radar.
Semiahmoo Parkway near Shintaffer Road
Officers hide behind bushes at the intersection of Shintaffer Road at Semiahmoo Parkway aiming radar at cars coming down a hill through a 35 mph zone. Enforcement extends west through the Semiahmoo area of Blaine to the west end of Semiahmoo Parkway.
Peace Portal Drive near Interstate 5
Just after coming off I5 at the Semiahmoo exit onto Peace Portal, headed into Blaine. There’s nearly always at least one cruiser and usually one unmarked along Peace Portal. There is no noticeable speed limit signs for quite a distance from the offramp, though the limit is 35mph.
H Street near Near Odell Road
Heading out of town, going east on H Street, the speed limit is 25 miles an hour. Past the Supermarket, H St. turns into a pretty steep hill. Near the top of the hill, the speed limit turns to 35 mph. Approaching H St. hill, it’s apparent that to get to the top, you’re going to have to get some speed up – but watch out! If you don’t have a powerful engine that can slow-poke it up this incline at 25 mph then you’d better find another way to get where you’re going.
H Street near State Route 543
On the south side of H Street Road, just east of its intersection with SR 543, sits a police cruiser. The speed limit sign of 25mph is small and easily missed unwitting and bewildered tourists heading to the alternative border crossing into Canada at Lynden. Another speed limit sign is further on but obscured by branches.