Brewster, Washington Speed Traps
Old 97
They sit out of view right at the 35mph sign. They never give any warnings and write more tickets then a stop light camera. Don’t speed near Brewster or you will get a ticket.
Road between Brewster and Bridgeport. They stop for going even 2-3 miles over the limit. If you see a small black or dark green car you better slow down because it’s a cop car. You Can not tell until the lights come on.
All over town
Black little sports car with tinted windows and normal plates. Nothing visible that will tell you it’s a police car until too late. They must keep it hidden because one day you see it stopping cars all over then you don’t see it for a while. Don’t do anything wrong or that car will stop you.
Hiway 97
Black sports car with tinted windows. Writes everyone and never gives warnings. Stops you as soon as you get by speed limit sign. Be careful he will write you a ticket!!
SR97 South end of Town
Tan Tahoe, Sits in the parking lot of the grocery store or the packing shed. Speed limit changes to 60, but he will stop and ticket you if you are going 60 before the sign leaving town.