Burien, Washington Speed Traps

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Southend beginning of I-509 northbound

Burien, WashingtonAug 03, 20100 Comments

At the beginning of I-509 northbound just south of Burien, there is an airport access ramp entering on the right just north of an overpass. The police like to sit on that on-ramp and monitor cars beginning to drive northbound on I-509.

1st S Avenue near S 160th Street

Burien, WashingtonOct 10, 20041 Comments

300-400 feet south of 160th on the west side of the street there is a driveway to a church that is a popular spot for the cops to hide. Because of the sign for the church and a lot of bushes, you can’t see if theres a cop there until your about 30 feet away. If your speeding the cops gonna get you easy.

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