Burlington, Washington Speed Traps

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Police parked in Hassler LN a private drive on south Gardner

Burlington, WashingtonApr 09, 20140 Comments

Sherriff Deputy was parked in private road (Hassler Lane) on south Gardner Rd. in or near Burlington. The road in not posted all that well but I am aware that is 25 miles per hour. Watch it here because I am almost positive this trap might be for reasons other than safety. Watch it here.

Exit 230-Highway 20 (Anacortes/Burlington)

Burlington, WashingtonApr 05, 20110 Comments

Saturday morning, 3/25/11, I spotted this major speed trap as I traveled northbound. The trap is for southbound motorists, who are, shortly before the trap, in a 70 mph zone. Then, the speed limit drops to 60 as the road rises up to conveniently provide cover for the trap. The exit sign and right-side turn off may take your view momentarily off the road, but just behind and to the left of the sign for this exit, a State Patrol pickup truck, like a Jeep – no lights on top, may have been unmarked even – is pointed straight at you, his laser gun pointed through the windshield. Down below, where the onramp from SR-20 is, were three waiting troopers, akin to an alligator swamp, waiting to snap up speeders. There are only 2 lanes, so these are easy pickings!

Exit 230-Highway 20 (Anacortes/Burlington)

Burlington, WashingtonApr 05, 20110 Comments

Saturday morning, 3/25/11, I spotted this major speed trap as I traveled northbound. The trap is for southbound motorists, who are, shortly before the trap, in a 70 mph zone. Then, the speed limit drops to 60 as the road rises up to conveniently provide cover for the trap. The exit sign and right-side turn off may take your view momentarily off the road, but just behind and to the left of the sign for this exit, a State Patrol pickup truck, like a Jeep – no lights on top, may have been unmarked even – is pointed straight at you, his laser gun pointed through the windshield. Down below, where the onramp from SR-20 is, were three waiting troopers, akin to an alligator swamp, waiting to snap up speeders. There are only 2 lanes, so these are easy pickings!

Old Hwy. 99 N and Cook Rd.

Burlington, WashingtonFeb 02, 20100 Comments

Multiple spots. The sheriffs and state patrol will park with the rest of the “park and ride” cars where the speed limit drops from 50mph to 35mph; in the gas stations watching west bound traffic on Cook Rd. heading through the intersection and in the Starbucks parking lot watching I-5-NB traffic.

Old Hwy. 99 N (North of Chuckanut Drive)

Burlington, WashingtonFeb 02, 20100 Comments

Will park in between the dealership cars along the road at night with the flashers on to blend with the other cars. Make sure you are doing 35mph through here.

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