Concrete, Washington Speed Traps

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SR 20 right through the middle of town

Concrete, WashingtonJul 15, 20020 Comments

Officers sit in well hidden areas in their little 2.5 mile stretch of highway 20, ready to lighten your wallet. Speed limit drops from 55 to 35 for some ungodly reason, and entire "town" is a no pass zone. Also has one crosswalk that is a 20 mph school zone that is BRUTALLY enforced.

Route 20 about 30 miles east of I-5

Concrete, WashingtonJul 15, 20020 Comments

The speed limit through this town (only about 2 1/2 miles is 35MPH. This is on the "cascade loop" highway used mostly in the summer for vacation! There are 2 patrol cars and they are out and active at all times! Be advised do not travel over 35MPH through this town!

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