Des Moines, Washington Speed Traps

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27600 Blk of 10th Ave. S (heading down into Redondo)

Des Moines, WashingtonApr 28, 20100 Comments

Many weekdays will find the Des Moines motorheads working this hill for the ever hurried commuters who push past the 25 MPH limit.

Des Moines Memorial Dr and S. 214th

Des Moines, WashingtonApr 20, 20100 Comments

Where 214th intersects Des Moines Memorial, on the East side, they sit there and specifically watch for the Southbound traffic. People tend to go quite fast through this otherwise quiet area, and as they come around the bend at appx 208, they are open prey and the car is hard to spot. And, by the way, cars entering Des Moines Memorial from 208 are inperil from these speeders.

S. 223rd & 10th Pl. S.

Des Moines, WashingtonMar 01, 20100 Comments

From the bottom of the hill on 223rd to the parking lot of the Methodist Church, the motorcycles can be seen sitting there with their radar guns. The speed limit of 25 mph (westbound) is difficult to maintain down that hill.

S. 240th Street near 16th Avenue

Des Moines, WashingtonSep 18, 20070 Comments

These guys just hang out with there radar guns at the bottom of the hill heading towards Zenith Park Or Marine View Dr. This is just a warning , because I have seen many people snagged by Just Coasting down the hill..Which will exceed the 35 MPH limit by atleast 6mph… Oops you’re done for ! So ride your brakes or gear down Big Time. 🙂

216th Street near 14th Avenue

Des Moines, WashingtonApr 27, 20040 Comments

If your Heading East or West on S 216th, between 14th Ave S and 8th Ave S, be careful. The speed limit is 25 mph due to a Senior Citizens Home in the area. Do not go no more than 27mph!

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