Edgewood, Washington Speed Traps
Jovita Boulevard
The Speed Limit on Jovita is 35, but most people go 50-60 MPH. Be careful because the police have 3 spots that they hide which cover just about the whole road. If driving away from the small buisnesses at the begining of the road and towards the enterance to highway 167, the first hiding spot(s) are personal driveways (left side of road) along the way, the second is a turn out about 3/4 down the road (past the first light and on left side) and the third is just off to the right side of the road by the freeway enterance. You really should go under 40 on this road, because they do patrol it and because it looks less dangerous than it is, and having lived on it my whole life I have seen more than one person die from speeding and going out of control around a corner.