Elma, Washington Speed Traps
HWY 8 (near rest area)
I commute from Ocean Shores to Lacey every day and I always see State Troopers camped out on the side between Mcleary all the way through Montesano, but most often near the rest area just outside of Elma. I’ve gotten dinged once and I see people pulled over nightly.
Trooper sits on 3rd Street onramp
After rounding the downhill curve, either after entering highway from prior intersection (highway 12) or continuing West on SR 8, WSP trooper sitting hidden on the shoulder of next on-ramp. While a “state road” this is beginning of open 2-lane road to the coastal / ocean cities (ie., Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Westport & Ocean Shores). Not, where you would expect state patrols – Beware.
Highway 8 two miles west of McCleary cutoff
There is a little side road between the old Ford Dealership and the McCleary exit where I have seen State Patrol cruisers sitting in there waiting for you to pass by at high rates of speed. I’ve seen them there on Monday’s in the morning and Friday’s in the morning and afternoon.
State Route 8 near State Route
There’s those planes that like to track speeders from McCleary through Montesano, and trust me after 3 tickets through there I should know. One minute you’re not seeing a state trooper, the next he’s right behind you. They sometimes come out of nowhere especially if they have the planes tracking!
Approx. 3 miles West of Elma on SR 8
On nice days you can expect to find WSP out in full force working using aircraFort Usually on Fridays after noon and on saturday mornings is when this occurs. I recomend donig no more than 5 over after reaching McCleary heading East bound on SR 8. This is one of the only routes to the beaches from the Seatle area, and the WSP knows it. Once you pass Elma you can continue on your way around 70 MPH and they won’t even blink at you as you flying pass them.