Fort Lewis, Washington Speed Traps
Fort Lewis (North)
Where Pendleton goes under the freeway, and then turns past the museum. The speed there is 35 although it seems like it should be 50 for how long the road is. The MP cruisers love to sit on this road both hidden and obvious and clock.
Steilacoom – Dupont Road near Exit Number 119
Once you get off the I-5 Freeway at Exit 119 and take a right on Steilacoom DuPont road the Military Police are always working up and down the entire length of the road from DuPont to Lakewood, and Steilacoom writing tickets.
How can someone in the Army write me (a civilian) a ticket that actually cost money?
It seems like they always have someone stopped out there.
Jackson Avenue near Transmission Line Road
Fort Lewis Military Police have been observed pulling radar from this intersection almost continuously for the past month. There will be an MP cruiser, usually a marked squad car, parked about half a block down the road on Transmission line observing the intersection of Jackson Avenue and Transmission.
State Highway Dupont/Steilacoom near Rifle Ranges and Solo Point
As you are going from Dupont to Stielacoom, there is the rifle range just after solo point. At the end of the ranges, there is a group of bushes. Whenever there is alot of trafic, there is an MP hiding there. If you are lucky, there will be another one hiding inside the fence before the turn at solo point. If there are two of them, they will let each other know that you are coming. One will clock you, and the other will give you a ticket.
Spanaway Loop Road near Access Road
The road that goes form I-5 to spanaway via going through the boundry of the two bases. The MP’s sit in the woods in their SUV’s and nail everyone who goes through there. The speed limit is an unrealistic 35 MPH . It should be at least 50 or 55!