Kenmore, Washington Speed Traps

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5701 NE Bothell way

Kenmore, WashingtonApr 26, 20140 Comments

Cop hangs out in the Dental village usually at night. He’s a sneaky one.

Juanita Drive near Arrowhead Elementary School

Kenmore, WashingtonFeb 18, 20060 Comments

Officer stands at the corner of intersection of Juanita Drive and NE 153rd Street/Arrowhead Drive pointing a hand-held radar gun at westbound traffic. The regular speed limit is 35 but this is a school zone. There is a sign stating that the limit with children present is 20mph. However, he is trapping people before they have time to slow down.

61st Ave NE

Kenmore, WashingtonAug 07, 20030 Comments

During daylight hours a cruiser will park on the southbound side of the street North of NE 190th St. They get cars in both directions, including cars that have already passed and then sped up.

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