La Center, Washington Speed Traps
The whole town is 25
The whole town of La Center is one huge speed trap. The speed limit is 25 and out of town towards Woodland is 35 for almost three miles outside the city.
NW La Center Road near Interstate 5
As you head over the bridge and up the hill and twaords I-5, at the top is a driveway to the left there is usually a cop that has pulled someone over from there, or is sitting there waiting for someone to peak over the hill speeding. Usually evenings.
West Fourth Street, right before the casino
When leaving La Center heading towards I5, the speed limit is 25, which is ridiculous. They sit right at the end of the bridge, every time I go up there someomne is pulled over by a cop. I got a ticket doing 45 in the 25, but he was nice enough write it for 35 in a 25. I am so grateful. [/sarcasm]