Long Beach, Washington Speed Traps

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Bank of the Pacific

Long Beach, WashingtonDec 23, 20130 Comments

Parking lot of the Bank of the Pacific. Beginning of a 25mph zone for Northbound traffic, and just 300 yards before start of 35mph zone for Southbound motorists..

Coming in and out of Long Beach on Pacific Hwy

Long Beach, WashingtonNov 30, 20102 Comments

Speed limit goes from 50 to 35. Police hide right at the speed limit sign. Common tactic is to ticket you for speeding as tou are leaving town as you speed up to 50 mph just prior to reaching the sign. They will also pull you over for failure to use a turn signal even when there is no cars in sight and you are in a rural area. Watch the end of the month, the police are more aggressive at that time.

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