Lynden, Washington Speed Traps
Halversack Rd just east of Van Buren Rd
Approx. 1/4 mi east of Van Buren Rd, the speed limit decreases from 50mph to 35 mph in the middle of the coutryside – no dwellings or other reason for reduced speed. Halversack then takes a steep down hill angle and the sheriff waits behind a pole shed on the north side of the highway at the bottom of the hill. When I asked the officer why the speed limit was reduced in that area he couldn’t or wouldn’t give me a reason.
Main Street, East between the Guide and Depot.
Parks between two parked cars near where the posted speed changes and stops folks going in both directions.
Kamm Road and Bradley Road
From about 7 to 8 weekday mornings count on a cop sitting on Kamm Road at the housing development or around there. He is usually very well hidden by a tree or bushes. The speed limit is way too slow here so he will nail you. The cops also hide on Bradley Road at the edge of the school zone and will nail you for doing anything more than 20. He is also very well hidden.
Beard Rd between the Guide and Hannigan
Motorcycle cops love hiding on the side road next to the berry field. It is a posted 35 mph. Almost all farm land with a sprinkling of a house here and there. Short cut to get to either the Guide or to Hannigan but watch your speed! 5 mph over is a ticket, myself and many friends have donated to the county coffers from this little speed trap. Staters are pretty friendly there
Birch Bay -Lynden Road near Tromp Road
Eastbound right after the City Limits sign.