Maple Valley, Washington Speed Traps

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Any School Zone.

Maple Valley, WashingtonMay 08, 20110 Comments

One particular officer has been writing a large number questionable tickets for speeding in school zones. The most interesting ones wer ticketing a person who had just pulled out of their driveway and the officer claimed they were clocked at 45 mph. In 100 feet they had gone from 0 to 45 mph. I don’t think so. This persons car barely goes 45 mph after 1/4 of a mile, and, another had proof the school lights were not flashing. The judge basically called them all liars and told them to pay up. Be very careful in Maple Valley!

SE Maple Ridge Drive (Maple Ridge Highlands)

Maple Valley, WashingtonApr 01, 20110 Comments

Since being annexed a year ago, the city of Maple Valley has done nothing for this neighborhood except conduct "fund raisers" on this street. It should be a 35mph zone, but it’s 25mph. Cops park on the sidewalks around corners, on the corner of 251st, or on the driveway in front of the water tower, usually during the evening commute hours. BEWARE! They’re there during morning commute hours too! But could be at any time, even weekends. This 1/2 mile stretch is heavily patrolled. Must be a VERY dangerous road for them to commit so much taxpayer money to patrolling this tiny stretch of road.

228th Ave SE & SE 277th Place

Maple Valley, WashingtonJul 21, 20100 Comments

M.V. police sit next to electric tower and clock you coming down the hill in the hopes you will exceed the ridiculous 25MPH speed limit. I once joked that all of King County is a school zone. Well sadly, that’s basically true. This state sucks at building tons of subdivisions but won’t build 4 lane roads to keep up with the infrastructure.,-122.03756&sspn=0.00076,0.001742&split=1&filter=0&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=0.05&hq=

280th Ave SE & 236th Ave SE

Maple Valley, WashingtonJul 21, 20100 Comments

M.V. police park on lower side of road behind some tree branches to clock you coming down the hill in the hopes you will exceed the ridiculous 25MPH speed limit. I once joked that all of King County is a school zone. Well sadly, that’s basically true. This state sucks at building tons of subdivisions but won’t build 4 lane roads to keep up with the infrastructure.,-122.03756&sspn=0.00076,0.001742&split=1&filter=0&rq=1&ev=zi&radius=0.05&hq=

SE 240th and 210th Ave SE

Maple Valley, WashingtonApr 11, 20100 Comments

Officers often sit in the drives to the power station, especially during the evening commute and after the high school lets out. Speeding on SE 240th is epidemic during these times, so their efforts are never wasted. Watch the limit of 40 MPH along this stretch going East from 194th Ave SE into Maple Valley.

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