Maple Valley, Washington Speed Traps
SE 240th and 205th Ave SE
Sheriff’s motorcycle detail sometimes waits with radar at the entrance to 205th Ave SE, watching for speeding motorists on SE 240th, which has a high number of motorists exceeding the 40 MPH limit during the work and high school commutes.
244th off Hwy 169
Police park on the side of the road waiting to "get ya"
May be either side and any time of the day. Speed limit is 25… so take it slow!
Also, neighborhoods on both sides of the street so think of our children.
State Highway 18 near Issaquah Hobart @ 18 Loop
Very common for WSP to work both east and westbound traffic between Issaquah Hobart Road and SE 200th (more so westbound traffic coming down the hill). Not uncommon for 3-5 vehicles to be pulled over at a time. It’s possible that a trooper is clocking vehicles from the overpass and an officer further west flags drivers over.
Witte Road
Multiple hiding spots along road, only appear between intersection by 4 corners, and community center.
The Maple Valley Police are committed to ensuring the safety of motorist, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Please drive safely throughout the entire city since speed limits and other traffic laws are enforced. Take your time, obey the speed limits, stop for red lights and don’t drive aggressively. The nice and professional officers thank you for driving safely.