Mccleary, Washington Speed Traps

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N. Summit Rd. and S. 3rd St.

Mccleary, WashingtonFeb 27, 20130 Comments

The city cops are very bored here. They sit at the 3-way intersection of W. Simpson, N. Summit, and S. 3rd street and watch for people either rolling through the stop signs or speeding down S. 3rd St. hill. They either sit in their car in front of city hall or kitty corner near a vacant building. They also occasionally park in a residents driveway where highway 108 and Summit Rd. meet, watching for drivers rolling through that stop sign (It’s the intersection with the flashing yellow light). The cops here are crazy so obey all posted speeds in town. I’ve been pulled over for 3MPH over.

All of Hwy 8/12 from Olympia to Aberdeen

Mccleary, WashingtonSep 14, 20110 Comments

The entire highway is probably one of the most intensely patrolled roads in the state because people have a tendency to "open it up", given the usual light traffic loads.

Just put it on cruise control (maybe 5 over at the max) and enjoy the scenery, even if you’ve been through so many times that you’re board to tears. Some hot driver will pass you and keep the cops occupied and from annoying you at a measly 5 over.

State Highway 8 near Mile Marker 4

Mccleary, WashingtonMar 29, 20060 Comments

WSP loves the stretch of SR 8 between McCleary and Elma; lots of hiding spots, frequent multiple cruiser enforcement. Use care when traveling from Olympia area to the coast.

State Highway 8 near Overpass from McCleary Crossing

Mccleary, WashingtonMar 19, 20060 Comments

Westbound on Hwy 8 Just past onramp lip from McCleary. A black late-model SUV (Surburban?)with heavily tinted glass on all windows sits on the margin,motor off, facing West. Radar unit inside.

SR 8

Mccleary, WashingtonJul 07, 20030 Comments

Local McCleary cops sit on State Route 8, mostly at night. SR 8 does not go through McCleary, it simply is a money maker for this small comunity. Very esay city to fight your tickets. Use the information on this web site and fight all tickets you get from a McCleary cop!

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