Monroe, Washington Speed Traps
203 between Duvall and Monroe and start of 522 West Monroe
There may be other places this cop pulls this off–a moving speed trap: he works for Highway patrol: He gets up dangerously close to vehicles that are known to be slow like box trucks, as if he needs to pass, while shooting his radar out the back of the hwp white utility vehicle he drives. He gives the apparency that there is a slow moving vehicle to be passed but he never passes and his car is not marked on the back: instead he waits for someone to hurry up to get in line to pass and nails them. He will try to get you to pull over where the is no safe place to pull over and get up in your grill for waiting for a safe spot. Do not fall for it. I saw the same cop, just around the first gradual bend just after you get on the 522 going west, shooting a rear radar out the back of his rig. I am not sure what the speed limit is there but be careful as it’s dangerous where he sits to the right of fog line: a place only a desperate cop would sit and wait– there’s no room to miss him if you take that bend too tight…be care…
On HWY 522 from Monroe south to the Snohomish River Bridge
WA State Route 522 was recently upgraded to a divided 4 lane limited access hwy, stretching south from Monroe to the new Snohomish River bridge. An easy to miss 55 MPH speed limit sign is posted there. This stretch of road could easily support a 60 MPH limit, as is posted on 2 lane Hwy 2 to the north and indeed the same 60 MPH on 522 further south by the Maltby/Paradise Lake intersection. Actually 65 MPH would be quite safe along the new stretch of road.
Almost every day, three or four highway patrol vehicles are out with their radar on this stretch of wide open new road, writing tickets, right and left, for exceeding the unreasonable low speed limit there. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel for them and purely a money grab for the local pols. Disgusting..
Highway 204 northbound into town
City cops will sit in the parking pull-out of Al Borland Park and nail people coming into town on Highway 204, where ther speed limit drops from 55 to 25.
Coming off Hwy 522 onto Main St. coming toward the school
There is a small roundabout that directs onto Main St. and into town. You will passing through a school zone in mid morning with no kids in sight and it is photo patrolled and allegedly a 20 mph School Zone. Wide street no kids and you go 30 mph based on everything you know about a residential street with no kids in sight and you’re nailed about on week later with a cute picture of your car and license and a bill for $124. This must have paid for the roundabout in two or three weeks. Gravy train now.
Kelsey to Chain Lake Road
Although this is a buisness area speed limit is 25! Officers sit in parking lots with radar guns. No warnings.