Olympia, Washington Speed Traps
Mud Bay Road near Firestation
They sit in the dark at the entrance of the fire station waiting for unsuspecting Evergreen State College students returning to the dorms after a night out.
State Highway 99 near South of Tumwater
Just East of the Olympia Airport The police park in the airport parking lot. They have several cars there at one time.
4th Avenue near Frederick Street
4th Ave is a one way street heading east. They hang out just past the bike shop in the empty lot with the used cars for sale. It’s just before the Martin Way – Pacific Ave "Y"… a bit before the limit changes from 25mph to 30. Don’t speed up too soon!
East Bay Drive near State Street
Law enforcement position themselves in a way that you will not notice them until it is to late. Also, East Bay Drive turns into Boston Harbor Road, but they never patrol that area and their is much more speeding on that stretch of road. It has been said that because East Bay Drive is a high end area/small stretch of road, that the residents may have something to do with this.
Interstate 5 Southbound near Hawks Prairie
Mx threat levels. 1.LIDAR from Motorcycles N/Southbound I – 5. 2. KA/LIDAR from cruisers/unmarked units (dozens of types!) 3. Aerial at 2,500 feet altitude, mostly targets southbound traffic while in the Nisqually Delta flats; uses stopwatch to time with hwy marking hashmarks, radios to waiting "receptionists" who write the ticket after stopping victims in the Hawk’s Prairie flats area.