Redmond, Washington Speed Traps
SR 520 East and maybe West
I have seen an unmarked dark red chevy subberban in east 520 before the westlake sammamish pkwy exit, it sometimes lives on westbound 520 in some bushes before the whole 520/405 mess starts, the car has standard issue patroll rims (steel with the shiny middle)
152nd Ave NE between NE 31st St and NE 24th St
152nd Ave NE behind Microsoft and Group Health Hospital is one of the favorite hangouts for Redmond PD. They’re usually parked right around the curve from 31st St (by the time you spot them it’s too late) or on the West side of 152nd Ave. The speed limit is 30mph but it’s tough not to do 40+.
SR 520 Eastbound at 51st onramp
State Patrol sometimes sits on the right side of SR-520 right where the 51st Street onramp merges with the highway. Usually all the lights are off on the patrol car, so you can’t really see it as you’re zipping by.
Avondale Road between Woodinville and Redmond
South bound on Avondale, just before the Shell (used to be a Texaco), King County on bikes hide in the bushes, on the east side of the sweeping corner. They have green bikes and uniforms, and it’s damn near impossible to spot them, even when you’re looking REALLY HARD! Avondale is 40mph, but it’s near impossible to go that fast with all the BMW’s, Mercedes and Tahoe’s passing you at near 55mph. GO THE SPEED LIMIT!
W Lake Sammamish Parkway between intersection with Bel-Red Rd and NE Marymoor Way
Police cars are hidden on the side roads of W. Lake Sammamish Parkway and the scan traffic with radars